
sorry about that - i was in los angeles visiting family. the drive from san francisco was a particularly successful mullet safari - i saw a guy in kettleman city with (some) hair down to his waist. i also determined that women at the beverly center average hairstyles roughly four times the size of their asses.

the grandpa archives swelled as well. he told me of a tom sawyer party he threw with a friend in the thirties, when he "got a keg of beer and had [his] friends bring cans for paint...[they] whitened the picket fence, painted fences on the trees, added lanes to the postal road, and gave the girls moustaches and beards." he also mentioned meeting a girlfriend through having dated her younger and older sisters. it's unfortunate, having less game than one's grandparent.

tonight: the future bible heroes show at bimbo's. i'll arrive when the doors open, as usual, but travel scrabble is coming along this time.

tomorrow: finishing a sestina at last, i hope. line endings include typewriter and identical.

and i passed the peace officer thing. good?

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