11.04.08: election notes from nyc II: electric boogaloo {updated throughout the day}21:55 just spoke with my indefatigable friend tom, who's up in wisconsin counting absentee ballots (fine work up there, lad, by the by): "set your tivo for ten," sez he.
21:20 FOX predicts ohio for obama - HOLY SHIT!
20:50 wow: on CNN, david gergen just told anderson cooper that tonight could be "not just a win, but a very big win" for obama. gergen is the king of cool, so i take that seriously (i feel
jessi klein a bit on him).
20:40 jacob reports that "rachel maddow needs to chill out," which i can neither confirm nor deny (having watched ABC for the last hour), but 1) she did
tweet that barry has yet to wish any bush states and 2) often needs to be "talked down," as she calls it. i feel you, rachel: i think a lot of us need to be talked down right about now.
19:55 meghan mccain's
song of the day is journey's "don't stop believin'" - which is a good omen. i couldn't begin to tell you why, but it's a good omen.
19:10 MSNBC sez the new house will split 261/174, "a total repudiation of the republican party" (joe scarborough). this is killing hamlet in the first act, guys.
18:50 see, this is why i distract myself with photo safaris and food: numbers are pouring in on MSNBC now, and even the expected stuff (like obama getting shellacked in kentucky) is making me sick to my stomach.
18:00 encountered my first line of the day at the times square ben & jerry's (one of only two in manhattan, someone said). naturally their corporate photographer showed up and took four thousand pictures just as i got to the door: "hi, i have nothing better to do than wait for ice cream all night." i...probably deserved this.
17:20 CNN on the brutal wait times at some polling places: "sing songs, do whatever you have to do. er, bring a book."
15:30 CNN's
times square HQ gets this season's spiffy election digs award; NBC/MSNBC in rockefeller center is a close second, and FOX's
avenue of the americas efforts sadden me.
14:30 sitting on the floor in penn station,
photographing a doughnut. good on you, krispy kreme.
13:50 the national republican trust PAC is
still running its jeremiah wright attack ad on CNN; i'd laugh, but CNN showed an illinois voter flipping a coin to settle on a candidate fifteen minutes ago.
13:00 fitness (and thus news) hiatus: since the sets at the gym* were all tuned to sportscenter, the closest i got to political news was "it's election day, go vote! who's getting the heisman this year? who's in the BCS championship?" the wait to vote in downtown brooklyn is, at present, four hours(!).
10:30 free coffee acquired! i tipped the tired-looking guy at my local starbucks. voting itself was hassle-free as well, though the police officer at my polling place busted me for wearing an obama button on my coat (wearing it counted as campaigning, which obviously isn't allowed there). i apologized and tucked it in my pocket - and sent psychic waves of sympathy to people who show up to vote wearing obama shirts (hope you wore the good underwear).
09:45 off to vote / snap hell's kitchen polling photos / smile pretty and ask for free coffee.
08:39 live TV feed of barack obama voting with his daughter on
ny1: vote, guys, vote!
08:15 okay, so a recap of the voting-related national freebies:
a doughnut for voters at krispy kreme,
a tall coffee for voters at starbucks,
ice cream for the hell of it from ben & jerry's (5-8 p.m.).
*to which i wore my threadless robot tee to hail our obama-bot overlords.