alas! i won't be Blogging until the new year (something about corporate upload and a truck), so i can't share my obsession with holiday gift wrapping with the ladymag-public. i can, however, inflict it on you:

transporting, no? i realize that everyone else got tired of chopping up fashion magazines in the eighth grade, but i still dig it.
we're in the middle of both a ferocious snowstorm (get home safely, jacob!) and a ferocious february close (i don't care how awesome hair dye is, i'm not dyeing my ladyparts purple!*) here; i hope to be out in time to make a big pot of snow day chili, but we will see what we will see. how are you, internets? i hope you're holidaying.
*the scariest thing to swoop across my desk all month, though bidet in a bottle was close on its heels.
See: Tsutsumi mag:
that mizuhiki is gorgeous (as is the rest of the origata, obviously) - i'd love to pick up some mad ribbon skills, both because it's so unexpected on western packages and because it seems like something my cat would be less likely to eat (i had to fend him off like a lion tamer as i was trying to take pictures of this thing).
i am back to providence. the train was actually on time (well, 5 minutes late, but that's a rounding error for an acela trip). however, providence was a wintertime thunderdome. normally, there is a line of taxis waiting by the amtrak station - tonight, there were none when i walked outside, and 8 inches of unshoveled snow. i called the corporate taxi service i use sometimes for work, only to hear a recorded message about how they've closed due to the weather. eventually, a taxi ("dominican taxi") drove up and several east siders and i shared a taxi to get home.
megan hasn't been as lucky - her flight from iowa city was cancelled (she made it as far as cincinnati). so she's not getting in until tomorrow.
also, providence is the DC of the northeast when it comes to snow. i thought these people were new englanders (shakes head).
Meh, I'm holidaying on a limited basis. There is some traditional decor decking the ol' apartment, and lots of Christmas-y dish towels. No tree though. It was a bear to disassemble last year, there isn't much room unless I break down the kitchen table, and Moxie would be the only ornament in the tree anyhow (though he is so adorable). Also, the Christmas lights have been MIA since I moved here, so the balcony is bare.
All I want is some placidity anyway. :P
Jacob: the entire east coast is fubar. Flight to Albany nixed -- now going out Tuesday. Funny how that happened just as I got to the airport. Oy.
holidaying here, though without a snow day (just a subzero windchill to encourage indoor activity). today: sea salt toffee, cardamom cookie dough, dipped some candied grapefruit in chocolate, ate soup with family. tomorrow: cookies, trip to town, maybe some shopping, wrap presents. that is, if i can get the garage door open without kicking it free of ice, to get to my car...
seriously, is the weather a whole lot worse this year?!
Freaky! I just saw this now, but I wrapped gifts in essentially the same style, just slightly more minimalist.
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