the good news is that our buggy laptop is back from washington and well again; the bad news is that we don't seem to have its current password, so my MLK internettery is limited to what i'm willing to accomplish at the office (i am, sadly enough, not the only one here).* on a more festive note, i give you joe: sleeveface.

*the other bad news, speaking of bugs, is that we also lack both a microwave and a toaster oven; the former got itself kicked out of the apartment when i opened the door immediately after zapping something and found a live cockroach taking laps around the perimeter like a racewalker at the mall of america. i decided the cockroach had earned the microwave and left them both on the curb. the toaster oven...was an accomplice, and ten years old and awfully grotty in its own right. it's peanut butter jelly time, as it were.
omg! i love sleeveface! yay!
sorry news about the microwave and toaster oven...
my roommate and i find those bastards scuttling around our dishwasher when we open it post-cleaning. a pisser on two levels, literally and figuratively.
Well, at least you got to the bottom of the whole "roaches can survive the radiation of nuclear fallout" urban myth. Point for you. (Apart from the whole shock/horror of the thing.)
...but now i have that song in my head. i'll just float off to the archives now...
avalon, or peanut butter jelly time?
Maybe a new song -- I don't know the title, but it begins "Get the [bleeping] oath right, Mr. Chief Justice...."
Lord -- the biggest moment in this nation since, perhaps, the Moon Landing, and Roberts throws up a brick. Poor.
it was 'avalon'. though the other would be thematically more appropriate right now, post-gym...
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