(from the big sleep, 1939)
Overhead the rain still pounded, with a remote sound, as if it was somebody else's rain.
(from farewell, my lovely, 1940)
The big man said: "Now that we are all between pals and no ladies present we don't really give so much time to why you went back up there, but this Hemingway stuff is what really has me down."
"A gag," I said. "An old, old gag."
"Who is this Hemingway person at all?"
"A guy that keeps saying the same thing over and over until you begin to believe it must be good."
(from the long goodbye, 1953, my favorite thus far)
He was a guy who talked with commas, like a heavy novel. Over the phone anyway.
At three A.M. I was walking the floor and listening to Khachaturyan working in a tractor factory. He called it a violin concerto. I called it a loose fan belt and the hell with it.
I might even have got rich - small-town rich, an eight-room house, two cars in the garage, chicken every Sunday and the Reader's Digest on the living room table, the wife with a cast-iron permanent and me with a brain like a sack of Portland cement. You take it, friend. I'll take the big sordid dirty crooked city.
*and zombie-related, apparently. not sure when they shambled into the tent, but there they are.
**it's best when you read it aloud in your head with a beaky gumshoe voice.
imaginary reading group discussion questions
01 have you ever foraged for wild eats? what did you do with what you gathered?
02 would you eat this risotto? i power-washed everything, scout's honor.
03 what are your favorite spring greens?
*i probably gave these a lustier browning than they actually needed, but i wanted to be quite sure i wasn't poisoning the missus with my wild greens. i've also watched gordon ramsay freak out over bad risotto quite a few times, so...yeah.
*it's now been almost two years since i last said something accidentally creepy to a celebrity! progress, right?
**it shocked me, actually: i've always figured i was at least 80% candy.
Joe’s dream, morning of May 5, 2009:
I’m watching a TV show called “Good Advice!,” hosted by a Lil’ Jon lookalike with crunk teeth. The show starts out with a shot of a man swimming in a pond, then cuts to a pit bull running down a wooden dock and leaping into the water, so as to frolic with the guy. The action freezes just as the dog is about to hit the water, and Lil’ Jon says in a voiceover: “Wait. Never play with a dog when you’re both in the water. You’re both land animals, and you’ll just look stupid.”
I think to myself, “that makes a lot of sense,” then I wake up.