
i'm just over halfway through my take-a-picture-every-day-for-a-year 101 in 1001 list item, and i'm feeling pretty good. the set has its clunkers, to be sure, but i've managed to keep portraits of my feet to a minimum, and that's a victory in these parts.

yesterday's assay was a tip of the hat to rachel's lovely friday flowers posts - or it would be, if i could photograph flowers with anything like skill (people i can do, sort of; objects, we are still first-date awkward). that's where you come in; does one of these whisper "day 209" to you? help me learn, o internet.

tulips #1

tulips #2

tulips #3

tulips #4

tulips #5


  1. I like the one where we can see the tulip guts.

  2. Amanda9:52 AM

    The penultimate, I'd say.

  3. The close up from above, hands down (the term 'tulip guts' is really a great descriptor).

  4. Rachel (heart of light)3:00 PM

    Flowers with cat! I love that one.

  5. the number 2 photo, with the kitties. the tulips have the best coloring, in my opinion. :)

  6. east side bride11:30 PM

    while I am also a sucker for a kitty, I've gotta go with #4

  7. jamie7:45 AM

    number 2. late to the game, but still.
