
day 261: hot chip at terminal 5.

celebrities v. giant inflatable rats: big love edition

[at the hot chip show, terminal 5, friday*]

lau: [whips out cell phone]
joe: you are not tweeting about seeing her.
lau: but the sev is the quintessential new york sighting!
joe: all you have is your pride.
lau: [texts amanda instead]

rats: 4.5
star: 15

in other news of the fabulous, we joined amanda and peonies-and-boy (finally past the horrible ash cloud and with us in the states, hooray!) to raise a glass to birthday-meg in brooklyn last night. the rain spattering the restaurant's tented roof sounded like applause; it was lovely.

*that angry review was for the thursday show; i think that one sold out before we were born, as the xx opened for them. alas, the xx were in baltimore on friday; we'll cross paths some other time, for they are boss.


  1. east side bride12:37 PM

    took me two reads to understand what was going on here, you cryptic, cryptic blogger.

  2. kidchamp12:59 PM

    that amanda is secretly chloe sevigny? you have no idea how much she talks about prairie dresses, man.

  3. Rachel (heart of light)1:31 PM

    Oooohh! I spotted her once at the flea market (she's a regular, apparently) and was pretty excited. Did not text anyone but only because I was already with the friend that would appreciate it the most. We basked in the moment together. I'm fairly obsessed with Big Love, and so far D and I have managed to have sightings of several of the cast members.

  4. Amanda5:34 PM

    01 Your texts are my favorite.
    02 Strikethrough "sounded like." Was.

  5. Hannah Mae1:24 PM

    Last week, chez music company job:

    Boss 1: What's up with this band The Hot Chip?
    Boss 2: Well, they're probably hot chicks.
    Boss 1: ...Hot CHIP.
    Boss 2, nettled: I'm just using my intuition.

  6. kidchamp2:08 PM

    that...is how i'm going to answer everything this week, hannah. 
