
101 in 1001 {III}: 010 see the northern lights [completed 09.13.12]

i was dozing under my coat when joe nudged me awake and nodded to the window at his shoulder. there they were, just as our plane began its arc over nova scotia, green as jealousy and fresh from an ancient god's pen. the northern lights are calligraphy, you see; i've seen them and i know it in my bones.


Amid Privilege said...

If you weren't my friend I might hate your for your gifts, so, glad we're pals.

esb said...

ooooo i didn't know you could see them from above!

Amanda Moo said...


kidchamp said...

they were at eye level. weirdly, the rest of the plane (except for the dutch lady sitting next to us) didn't freak out about them. were you all sleeping, icelandair 614, or is your country so magical that stuff like that is commonplace?

anonymous said...

OH the goosebumps stealing up my spine!

anonymous said...

(says Hannah Mae, who apparently forgot her commenting password)