
central park, 5 november

it's That Week in central park when every third pedestrian has some sort of musical instrument and it feels reasonable to rent a bike for $30 an hour. as i headed for bethesda fountain yesterday afternoon i saw a couple waltzing slowly beneath the elms. forget you, hollywood! i bet they were both in perfect health.


Rob said...

I find Central park very entertaining this time of year. Should have planned this weekend's trip to White Plains with an NYC stopover.

lauren said...

we'd have kidnapped you for one of our north-south manhattan marches. consider yourself warned for next time!

Rob said...

I would make a special trip just for a NSMM.

furiousmuse said...

I definitely want to do a nsmm with you guys. it's been a dream of mine since the first one!

LPC said...

I've only wandered south to north, one warm evening, from 14th street to 104th, drawn always by the previous footstep. I think the year was 1981. There's nothing like New York, at least nothing that I've found so far.

baby jo said...

What? Never forget Hollywood. I'll waltz with you between crypts next summer at the cemetery. I doubt it will be romantic, though.

lauren said...

i mean, it could be a little romantic.