
hey hey, a non-train post! i hoped to write a post while donating platelets today, but it seems that downing extra multivitamins last night wasn't enough to summon The Good Blood; my iron was lower than it's been in ages. i ran instead, a satisfying-enough physical feat for the last day of the year, though it is a bit awkward that i didn't return the free socks they passed around before medical intake. in 2025 i'll snort caterpillar-fat rails of lentils and be an absolutely incomparable donor-diarist, david cronenberg wishes he had characters like next-year me at his fingertips. maybe i'll also lean into writing-writing?

we have new year's eve Outside Plans for the first time in many years, and tickets to something for the first time ever, i think: we attended and loved a night of yo la tengo's annual hanukkah residency at bowery ballroom a year or two ago, and the venue is close enough that we can walk there and back without soul-kissing THE LOWER EAST SIDE AFTER HOURS ON A HOLIDAY!!! for too long (i cherish our neighborhood, but its late-night chaos is uncompromising). yo la tengo won't play any of the songs they've played on nights 1-6 and they'll have mystery guests who won't be most of the soft boys (sigh, night four) or david sedaris (last night's opening humorist), and it's all very exciting. i actually found my old Dissipated Disco Mermaid sequined dress in the hall closet last night, so i will wear that and try to manifest a year of art and action.

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